Deserving Family Award

Here are the families that were chosen for the
"Deserving Family Award":

AUSTIN - The Andrus Family. Mother, Elizabeth to a 3 & 5 year old has been battling cancer for 2 years. It has returned and spread. Getting pictures with her husband & kids is important right now.
HOUSTON - The Harmon Family. Very hard working family that are struggling right now, yet they continue to put others first and selflessly
give to others. Love that.
DFW - Kinz & Roxy McElvain. Young couple that are fostering to adopt Kinz's 3 young siblings due to his parents lack of good choices.

ALSO - there were so many single moms that were nominated. I have a heart for single moms, so I will have a day of mini sessions for them. The session will take place on October 23rd at Common's Ford Park in SW Austin. If you know of any single moms that deserve this and financially couldn't do it, please tell them to contact me asap to book their session. They will get a 30 minute session and will receive approximately 20 edited digital images.

THANKS AGAIN!!! I am honored to be able to take these amazing
family's pictures.