
I'm reading a book that a friend recommended, Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow.  So far so good.  It's all about learning to be content.  No matter what your circumstances.  
Here are a few quotes I've come across that I want to share with you...

"I would rather be what God chose to make me than the most glorious creature that I could think of; for to have been thought about, born in God's thought, and then made by God, is the dearest, grandest, and most precious thing in all thinking." by George MacDonald (who C.S. Lewis called his mentor)

"They took away that should have been my eyes,
(But I remembered Milton's Paradise)
They took away what should have been my ears,
(Beethoven came and wiped away my tears)
They took away what should have been my tongue,
(But I had talked with God when I was young)
He would not let them take away my soul,
Possessing that, I still possess the whole" by Helen Keller

"Two women looked through prison bars
One saw mud, the other stars" - Unknown

Choose to give your anxieties to God
Choose to pray specifically
Choose to be thankful
Choose to dwell on the positive.

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